On Jun 19, 2009, at 4:35 PM, Kustner, Tom wrote:

> I am a Nagios user, not the administrator.  We are running Nagios  
> 2.9 on
> RHEL 4 or 5.  Overall, 200+ hosts with 3000 services being  
> monitored. I
> have access for monitoring a smaller number of hosts.
> In another posting, I alluded to an issue where a host had gone down  
> but
> no alert was sent out.   The issue surfaced again today and as was  
> done
> the other time, Nagios was restarted to "fix" the problem.   I am
> naturally concerned about the unreliability.
> Any thoughts on this problem?    Specifically:

I am not aware of any problems such as you describe that a restart  
would 'fix'.

> * What are best practices for making sure Nagios does not fall down on
> the job?   Is there something not set right?

See my previous e-mail.

> * Are other Nagios administrators restarting Nagios on a weekly or
> nightly basis to keep it on the job?

I reload hourly to pick up new config changes but rarely restart.

> * Is this an issue specific to Nagios 2.9?  Was 2.9 a spotty version?

I'm not sure you even have an issue outside of a possible  
configuration problem. No, 2.9 was not spotty or bad.

> * For a given host, why would "active checks" be enabled, yet "N/A"
> appears in the "Next Active Check" field?

This is normal. See my previous e-mail.


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