Harald Böhmecke <harald.boehme...@bertelsmann.de> writes:

> We are currently about to fully engage with Nagios.
> Our current VM which has aprox. 1200 services and 200 hosts will be
> deleted and a new "distributed monitoring" will be setup.
> Thing is, we need to monitor aprox. 500 hosts with aprox. 6000
> services.
> Almost all Servers are in a single location. So there should be no
> need for Nagios "probes" distributed on big locations...
> Has anyone had an experience with Nagios with this ammount of
> hosts/services to be monitored? I need a basic guidance regarding
> hardware and distribution model to be used.

We currently have ~850 host and ~13000 service checks running on a
single, standalone server. The hardware is nothing fancy, a plain HP
ProLiant DL360 G5 with 8GB of RAM. You should be fine with a single
server, but there are a few things to look out for:

  * The 'enable_environment_macro' should be set to 0. Enabling this
    config option seriously increased the load on our server.

  * PNP4Nagios and similar addons may significantly increase the load on
    your server. We collect perfdata and use PNP4Nagios for only a few
    select services.

  * The Nagios embedded perl interpreter (ePN) was a major PITA, it
    leaked memory and we ended up compiling Nagios without ePN

  * You may have to adjust the command_check_interval and similar config

  * We mostly use NRPE plugins and only monitor UNIX/Linux hosts. You
    may have to take care not to use plugins that consume a lot of
    resources on your Nagios server.

These are the only tuning tips I can think of for now, but YMMV :)

We don't use distributed monitoring, but are looking into it. When a
more streamlined clustered Nagios setup becomes available for production
use (probably with the Merlin backend), we will definately be

Trond Hasle Amundsen <t.h.amund...@usit.uio.no>
Center for Information Technology Services, University of Oslo

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