Hi there --
Thank-you for your reply. I did indeed check out several books prior to posting
my messages,  and while all of them are thorough with
doing a scratch installation, there were none that I read which delved deeply
into doing an upgrade. The upgrade scenario is what I am
involved with at this time. The purpose of this exercise is to be able to
preserve the configuration, and have it available in the newer
version of the Nagios application. I am hoping to avoid having to rebuild all
checks from the beginning. The amount of checks that I have
in place would require a great deal of time that I am hoping I will not have to
commit. My previous upgrading experince, from Nagios 1.x
to Nagios 2.x was not very difficult. I am hoping to accomplish that here.


From: Andrew Davis [mailto:ncc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 9:19 AM
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Problem getting past main page

I recognize this may sound a little terse and I don't mean it to be so... but as
I've seen all the emails from you that are indicative of a first time setup,
might I suggest getting a Nagios book to assist you? There's quite a few out
there. I personally use Nagios 2nd Edition from Wolfgang Barth and its proven to
very valuable...

Just a thought...

  A. Davis
  Email:     ncc...@gmail.com

  "There is no limit to what a man can accomplish
   if he doesn't care who gets the credit." - Ronald Reagan

Kaplan, Andrew H. wrote: 

        This issue is an offshoot of the Problem in preflight check with

        I went ahead and copied the nagios directory from our original server to
the new 
        one. Once that was done, I did the upgrade to version 3.1.2 of nagios.
The main page 
        of the application appears without a problem. However, whenever I try to
go to any one 
        of the links from the main page, an error message similar to the one
below appears 

        Not Found 
        The requested URL /nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi was not found on this

        I noticed that after I inserted the snippets from the nagios.conf file
into the 
        httpd.conf file, and subsequently restarted the Apache server, the
        errors appeared on-screen: 

        Starting httpd: The ScriptAlias directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
at line 
        566 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier
        [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf at line 583
        probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias. 

        I have enclosed a copy of the httpd.conf file in its present version. I
am at a 
        lossas to why the error message is occurring, and I would really
appreciate help on 


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