I've gotten a second Nagios server setup to work as a failover for a
primary server. I think I've been thorough. The secondary server is
successfully receiving and processing both passive host and passive
service checks. Notifications and both kinds of active checks are turned
off. When I stop the Nagios process on the primary server, the secondary
fails the freshness check of the primary instance check. However,
nothing happens after this, and it seems that I have 2 problems.

1) Even though I have max_check_attempts set to 1 on the master server's
"check_nagios" check, it just continues to force active checks when the
freshness times out. I expect it to fail hard, and stop checking the
freshness. Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe the expected behavior here is
to get the active host check going, and then the freshness will stop

2) All of my scripts seem to be lined up. The event handler fires, and I
see proper things in the nagios.cmd file.


I know the command file is being processed because I can get the
secondary server to force checks from the cgi's. However, none of these
things commands ever work, whether I force them from the command line,
or from the cgi's. What could be keeping these from taking effect? I've
been all over this thing for a couple days now, and I think my eyes are
starting to glaze over.

The only thing I can think of would be to enable all of these things in
the master config file, but then immediately force them "off" when I
start up the process. Then maybe it will work to turn them back on
later? That can't be right...


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