On Jun 29, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Michael W. Lucas wrote:

> Surely there's a built-in way to tell Nagios that either a particular
> check can take longer, or increase the 10-second timeout within Nagios
> itself?  The service_check_timeout value kills runaway processes,
> which this isn't.

But that's what you need to change. Think of it as the maximum amount  
of time a plugin is allowed to run if the plugin doesn't terminate  
itself within a reasonable amount of time. Misbehaving plugins are  
just the most common reason to hit this timeout. It should be set  
higher than the longest expected running time for any of your plugins.

>  I know increasing the timeout would impact my
> performance for my other apps, but I have a separate Nagios instance
> for these devices.

Not necessarily. Only if your other plugins are badly behaved and  
don't terminate themselves in a timely manner. Mine is typically set  
to 60 seconds as I have some long running checks as well.


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