Your almost there, you need to set your vbs script to output an exit
code of 0-4 according to the nagios plug in documentation
.  Then setup the nsclient to run your script as a plug in check.  To do
that you will need to follow these basic steps.
1. add the configuration to the nsc.ini file on each xp workstation you
want to run this check on.  It should look something like this:
[NRPE Handlers]
webpage_check=c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe //nologo "c:\program
2. Setup check in Nagios 
In your commands definition file:
define command {
       command_name                             webpage_check
       command_line                            $USER1$/check_nrpe -H
$HOSTADDRESS$ -t 60 -c webpage_check
In your services definition file:
define service {
        host_name                       XPhost01, XPhost02
        service_description             check web page on XP host
        display_name                    webpage check
        check_command             webpage_check
        use                                 service-template
That should do it, and it uses your existing script (i.e. no rework).  
Good luck, hope that helps,


From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:08 AM
Subject: [Nagios-users] Checking URL on windows-client using NSClient++

I would like to check if a certain website is available on some of my
windows xp clients. These clients are public self-service computers to
make bookings for a railway organisation. Every now and then, some of
these self-service computers show a blank screen without the default
I would like to check if the page is shown up and if it's not, it
notifies Nagios which notifies me by email.
I've tried to run an external script (vbs) which checks the availability
of the site and that goes well if you use it manually but i dont want
any popups saying: "OK". It should run in the background. So i've edited
the vbs file and now it does check it and doesnt give any output
Has anyone else tried something like this before?
I use NSClient++ and Nagios v3.0.6.
Kind Regards,
Dennis de Vries.
Nagios-users mailing list
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