2009/7/8 Marc-André Doll <m...@b-care.net>:
> Is there a way to use the result of a check (the return value or the
> output for example) as an argument for the next check. I need to keep an
> history of the checks of one particular service in order to compare the
> previous check result with the current one.
> I thought to use the $SERVICESTATEID$ and $SERVICEOUTPUT$ macros but the
> documentation says that would make no sense because they are not
> initialized when a check is running.
> Marc-André Doll

I use $SERVICEPERFDATA$ all the time in my service check commands and
it works fine, I imagine you can use $SERVICEOUTPUT$ too.  It isn't
difficult to test, just write a little check command to spit the
unixtime stamp and whatever you pass to it back out, and feed it the
$SERVICEOUTPUT$ as an arguement.


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