On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:43 AM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:

> Sounds like it might be what we'd want.  I'm a bit unclear about how
> this would work in practice though.
> What I'd want is that when I go check the Nagios "Service Problems"  
> page
> in the GUI, I'd want to see multiple lines for the service - one line
> for each of the tags/files that we're having problems with.

This isn't possible without actually creating those host{} and  
service{} definitions in the config files and reloading. I'm not aware  
of any other way to do it. As far as I know it's not possible for an  
Event Broker module to modify the config data so you couldn't even  
write a custom module to do it if you saw something new.

> But if this is configured as just a single (passive, volatile)  
> service,
> then wouldn't the GUI show only one line for the service, containing
> details for only the most recent tag/file that failed the check?

Yes, that would be the compromise. You'd have a greater dependence on  
the actual e-mail alerts.


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