2009/8/13 Joseph L. Casale <jcas...@activenetwerx.com>:
> What am I missing, I use some passive checks for backups
> which update only when send_nsca runs on the client.
> After editing the configs and restarting nagios, only
> sometimes do they turn critical, as if it decided to perform
> the freshness check out of hours?
> Anyone know why this happens only sometimes and how I can prevent
> it?
> Thanks!
> jlc

I have a backup monitoring script which simply sends Nagios (by
send_nsca) the amount of data which has been backed-up in the last 24
hours.  If the script finds nothing, it doesn't send a check to Nagios
at all so I use freshness checking to alert that nothing has been
received from the backup check.  The template I use for the service
checks looks like this:

define service {
  name                  nsca-tsm_nightly_vol
  is_volatile           1
  check_freshness       1
  active_checks_enabled 0
  max_check_attempts    1
  freshness_threshold   129600  ; 36 hours
  check_command         check_nothing-tsm_nightly_vol
  servicegroups         backups
  notification_options  n
  notes                 Volume of data backed-up to TSM
  register              0

The command definition for "check_nothing-tsm_nightly_vol" looks like this:

# 'check_nothing-tsm_nightly_vol' command definition
define command{
        command_name    check_nothing-tsm_nightly_vol
        command_line    $USER1$/passive_timeout.sh

And the /usr/local/nagios/libexec/passive_timeout.sh script looks like this:

  /bin/echo "CRITICAL: No status has been received recently!
  exit 2

I hope this helps a little.



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