2009/8/17 Marco Tirado <marco.tir...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Users:
>  I believe this question has popped out before in the forum but I still have
> not seen any direct answer. I have some problems with a couple of checks
> that return (Service Check Timed Out) with a critical state. I would ike to
> know if it is possible to configure these timeouts to returns status unknown
> instead.

It depends a little on which plugin it is you are using.  I think I've
seen some plugins which let you choose whether they will output
'UNKNOWN' or 'CRITICAL' on timeout.  Run the plugin yourself from the
command line with the "--help" option to check what options are

If the plugin won't do it, you can change it yourself so it does (if
it's a script just edit it, if a binary then edit the source and
re-compile).  Alternatively, you can write a wrapper plugin which
alters the output of the original plugin (less efficient, but maybe
more convenient to implement in some circumstances).

Of course you could also increase the plugin timeout setting to the
point where it doesn't time-out, but that might not be entirely wise
if there are a lot of them running in your system.  You'd need to
check whether Nagios itself will time them out eventually too - see
the "TIMEOUT VALUES" section in your nagios.cfg file, expecially
service_check_timeout and host_check_timeout.



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