I wrote something for two way connection to netcool...

For alerts themselves i use the tivoli command postemsg, if you have
the license for that EIF probe, and wrote a shell script wrapper which
gets executed by nagios as a notification command.

I wrote something that reads the nagios log for problem ack/remove
problem ack, sched downtime, add comments, del comments then sends
postemsg commands to omnibus to let it know something is ack/down.

I then created a fakehost/fakeservice which omnibus uses to send me
external commands, so if someone is using netcool UI instead of nagios
and want to sched downtime they do by formatting the appropriate
command and sending to nagios via nsca (all this is behind the scenes
in a web interface)

printf fakehost\tfakservice\t3\tACK_SVC_PROB:host:arg:arg:arg...\n" |send_nsca

The downtime deletion is a bit harder...

I use host ifservice start/end time in epoch as identifiers and when
omnibus sends me a del downtime i read in the status.log (or
downtime.log for nagios2) and find the downtime id to delete.

On 8/26/09, Scott Xiao <scott_x...@nec.com.sg> wrote:
> Max
> Thanks!
> I believe netcool has receiver. If not, I will inform netcool engineer
> to configure one. So how to configure nagios to to send alert using
> NAGIOS-NOTIFY-MIB service and host events ? Could you please provide
> some more info/doc/url I can refer to ?
> Thanks !
> Best regards
> Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: max.schub...@gmail.com [mailto:max.schub...@gmail.com] On Behalf
> Of Max
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 12:31 PM
> To: Scott Xiao
> Cc: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] any solution which will allow me to forward
> Nagios alerts to Netcool?
> Scott,
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Scott Xiao<scott_x...@nec.com.sg>
> wrote:
>>  Hi friends
>> Is there any solution which will allow me to forward
>> Nagios alerts to Netcool? I read looperng but not many details on how
> to
>> forward the alert to netcool, any advice (url /docs)?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
> Does Netcool have a trap receiver?  If so, you can forward alerts with
> SNMP.  We forward Nagios notifications to Spectrum by sending them as
> traps using the NAGIOS-NOTIFY-MIB service and host events .. works
> quite well.
> - max
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