On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Roderick A.
Anderson<raand...@cyber-office.net> wrote:
> I'm pretty new to Nagios the book arrives Friday but I have set up some
> monitoring.  And _very_ new to SNMP.
> I'd like to do monitoring of some Tranzeo wireless units being used as
> bridges, access points, and end points.
> Anyone have an example of how to monitor one of these units or a
> clue_stick as to what to search/look for that will get me started?  I
> have a host alive check already but I'd like to look at bandwidth,
> errors, etc.

First thing to do is see what MIBs the Tranzeo unit's SNMP agents
support.  Check and see if they implement


Those MIBs cover basic interface statistics along with IP and
<proto>/IP statistics (.e.g UDP, TCP).

After that there are a number of scripts available that will help
monitor the SNMP agent on the device.  Nagios comes with an check_snmp
plugin; if that does not suit your needs you can search
nagiosexchange.org or Google and you will find many others as well :).

- max

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