On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:30 PM, Ciro Iriarte wrote:

>> It's weird, if I restart the daemon it works, but just for the  
>> first execution.
>> ---------
>> spmon:/etc/nagios/objects/services #
>> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H billbd2 -c check_disk -a 90%  
>> 80%
>> /kml_inst2
>> DISK CRITICAL - free space: /kml_inst2 76172 MB (21% inode=100%);|
>> /kml_inst2=273552MB;34972;69944;0;349725
>> spmon:/etc/nagios/objects/services # echo $?
>> 2
>> spmon:/etc/nagios/objects/services #
>> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H billbd2 -c check_disk -a 90%  
>> 80%
>> /kml_inst2
>> DISK CRITICAL - free space: /kml_inst2 76172 MB (21% inode=100%);|
>> /kml_inst2=273552MB;34972;69944;0;349725
>> spmon:/etc/nagios/objects/services # echo $?
>> 0
>> ----------
>> Regards,
> Any ideas?.

Never seen it before.

Don't test as root.

Try using truss on check_nrpe to verify that you're getting the right  
exit code back from the remote host.


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