Seen on NANOG mailling list, forwarding here due to recent question  
about this same issue. Appears to be an ATT thing at this point.

No interesting responses to the thread yet.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dave Pascoe <>
> Date: September 17, 2009 2:03:55 PM CDT
> To:
> Subject: Contact w/ clue re: AT&T SMS email gateway?
> Reply-To: Dave Pascoe <>
> Recently something seems to have changed with the email  
> to
> SMS gateway.  Messages sent through the gateway suffer from the  
> following:
> 1) Long delay in reaching the phone (intermittent)
>   (yes I know there is no latency guarantee)
> and, even more crippling,
> 2) Message comes through as just "SMS Message" instead of the SMTP
> message content.  And the sender is always 410-000-01x, where x
> increments by 1 with each new incoming email-to-SMS gateway-handled  
> message.
> Phone is an iPhone 3GS.  This has worked fine for quite a while.  No
> changes on the iPhone.
> I have gone through normal AT&T Wireless Customer Service but there
> isn't much clue there - had to explain what an email to SMS gateway  
> is.
> Anyone elese seeing this?  Anyone from AT&T Wireless here?
> Please contact me off-list.
> TIA,
> Dave Pascoe

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