Please always respond on list. More below.

On Sep 22, 2009, at 2:56 PM, shadih rahman wrote:

>>  It has been stated that one can send all notification send to a
>>  different email address by using negative value for parameter.    I
>>  just wanted to know would the following setup work?  please advise
>>  on this.
> It has been mentioned here.  Please advise on this.  Thanks

I'm not sure how you interpreted that to mean to put a '-1' for  
first_notification or even how it relates to your post. Your  
interpretation will not work AFAIK.

The post you reference is about limiting the maximum number of  
notifications sent to a contact. Your original question appears to be  
asking about how to send all notifications to 'an email address'. They  
appear to be opposite problem statements.

Please restate your question, being as clear as you can about what  
you're trying to accomplish. For example, does 'all notifications'  
mean all notifications nagios would normally send for a specific  
service or a notification for every single non-OK service check? Does  
it mean all notifications for any host or service should all go to an  
arbitrary e-mail address? Does 'to an e-mail address' mean to a  
defined contact who is already in a contactgroup for that service or  
some other address?

On the face of it, it seems to me you might just need to define a new  
contact and associate them with the host/service they should receive  
notifications about.

P.S. I don't use escalations so be sure to respond to the list so that  
you expose your question to people who are more familiar with them,  
should escalations end up being what you need.


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