2009/9/28 Glyn Astill <glynast...@yahoo.co.uk>:
> Hi Chaps,
> I've got a nagios server that constantly performs various checks on database 
> servers.  I have one set of services that serve as the checks for all of the 
> database servers since they are all identical.
> What I want to do is prevent the checks running against just one of the 
> servers during the early hours of the morning, is this possible without 
> duplicating all the service checks again?
> E.g. I've got a service defined like :
> define service{
>        use                             generic-service
>        host_name                       svr-a,svr-b,svr-c,svr-restore
>        service_description             Some check
>        check_command                   check_nrpe!some_check
>        check_interval                  10
>        check_period                    24x7
>        notification_period             24x7
>        contact_groups                  admins,smsadmins
> }
> Now I want 24x7 notifications from this service for svr-a, svr-b and svr-c 
> but I don not want notifications from svr-restore in the early hours (whilst 
> it is restoring the database)
> Does anyone know how to do this? Or an I going to have to duplicate all the 
> service checks for the restore server?

In Nagios 3, some variables can be inherited by the service definition
from the host definition.

So, if you set a suitable notification_period in your host definition
it will be inherited by all of the services for that host too (unless
you explicitly set it in the service definition).

See: http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/objectinheritance.html



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