Morris, Patrick wrote:
> G. S. Marzot wrote:
>> Thank you for the pointer to this cool plugin...
>> Unfortunately no solutions to date really fill the bill as the leases 
>> are allocated by a router that does not publish them in a way I know 
>> how to get... nor can I put anything on the DHCP hosts... they are 
>> not under my control...
>> Maybe there is a way to hack into my router and get the lease info... 
>> or maybe I need a little daemon that will just go and probe for all 
>> possible hosts... I would just like to see an accurate depiction of 
>> who is on the net at any given time... maybe this is not something 
>> nagios is good at (i.e., dynamic host groups).
> Nagios is good at what it does, and it really sounds like this just 
> isn't it.
> However, I don't see a reason you couldn't hack together a really 
> simple check using a tool that *is* good at this sort of thing (like, 
> say, nmap), and based on the results of that tool, feed the results 
> back to Nagios .

I would say that the best thing to do would be to turn off dhcp on that 
router and use dhcpd instead. Open and accessible and then you can just 
use the plugin I wrote... at least I think that would be least amount of 
work for you to get to working solution.

Dhcpd isn't hard and doesn't take long to set up, but I'm not sure on 
your wording, you mean the hosts aren't under your control or the router 
isn't under your control to replace the dhcp service with dhcpd?

If turning off the dhcp from the router isn't an option then you need to 
go back to the drawing board, consider how you can access the system, if 
you have a shell, if you have snmp etc and then come up with another 
solution using that, possibly custom writing your own plugin to 
integrate this in to Nagios.


Hari Sekhon

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