On 10/07/2009 03:28 PM, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running Nagios on a Gentoo system and would like to know if I can  
> add a link to my custom monitors so users could click to our  
> department wiki for a description of the problem as well as how to  
> resolve them.  That is, I'd like to have my custom module return a  
> link in the "error" text and have that link be "clickable" from the  
> Nagios screens.
> Thanks,
> --greg

We've done this.  Here's how:

1) have your plugin output HTML
2) edit your /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg file, and set escape_html_tags=0 to 
prevent Nagios from stripping out the HTML that your plugin is generating



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