On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Arun G Nair <arungn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  We use red5 to stream media files on our website. Sometimes the RSS
> reaches 3.2GB of memory and it stops serving requests. Hence I've to
> restart the service when ever it reaches the limit. I was doing this
> manually for sometime and today I decided to make an event handler for
> this. We use Nagios 2.6 on Debian etch. So on the nagios server I
> created a service definition
> define service{
>        use                             system-service
>        host_name                 flash1-server
>        service_description   check-red5-process-memory-size
>        event_handler            restart_red5
>        check_command         check_nrpe_1arg!check_red5_proc_mem
>        }
> And the command definition for the event handler:
> define command{
>        command_name   restart_red5
>        command_line       check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c restart_red5
> }
> Now, on the red5 server I've defined the commands as:
> #check RSS of red5
> command[check_red5_proc_mem]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -C
> java -a 'red5' -w 2900000 -c 3100000 --metric=RSS
> # event handler to restart red5
> command[restart_red5]=/usr/local/bin/restart_red5.sh
> I've added 'nagios' to /etc/sudoers:
> red5:~# grep 'nagios' /etc/sudoers
> nagios  ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/red5 restart
> Below is the restart_red5.sh script:
> -------------------
> #!/bin/sh
> # Event handler for nagios
> # restarts red5 daemon when its memory consumption reaches 3GB
> /usr/bin/logger -t nrpe "$@"
> case "$1" in
>    OK) ;;
>    WARNING) ;;
>    UNKNOWN) ;;
>        case "$2" in
>            SOFT)
>                case "$3" in
>                    3)
>                        /usr/bin/logger -t nrpe 'Restarting red5 server...'
>                        /usr/bin/sudo /etc/init.d/red5 restart
>                        /usr/bin/pgrep java && /usr/bin/logger -t nrpe
> 'Successfully restarted red5 server...'
>                        ;;
>                esac
>                ;;
>            HARD)
>                /usr/bin/logger -t nrpe 'Restarting red5 server...'
>                /usr/bin/sudo /etc/init.d/red5 restart
>                /usr/bin/pgrep java && /usr/bin/logger -t nrpe
> 'Successfully restarted red5 server...'
>                ;;
>        esac
>        ;;
> esac
> echo 'Done'
> exit 0
> -------------------
> And now about the issue I have. From the nagios log on the server, I
> can see that the event handler gets invoked. But on the red5 server,
> nothing happens. As you can see from the script, I log to syslog.
> Nothing shows up in the log.  If I manually issue the check_nrpe
> command from the nagios server, I just get 'Done' as reply, whatever
> the values I pass as argument.
> nagios:~# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H red5_server -c
> restart_red5 -a CRITICAL HARD 3
> Done
> logger doesn't print the arguments passed to the syslog as instructed
> in the script. If I print $# (the number of args), its always 0. My
> guess is that the arguments $SERVICESTATE$ $SERVICESTATETYPE$
> $SERVICEATTEMPT$ are not getting passed to the script. I have tried
> passing the arguments in the service definition itself
> define service{
>        use                             system-service
>        host_name                 flash1-server
>        service_description   check-red5-process-memory-size
>        event_handler            restart_red5!$SERVICESTATE$
>        check_command         check_nrpe_1arg!check_red5_proc_mem
>        }
> define command{
>        command_name   restart_red5
>        command_line       check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c restart_red5 -a 
> $ARG1$
> }
> It didn't have any effect as well.
> What am I doing wrong here ? Am sure its something simple, but I can't
> seem to get to it. Please help.
> -Arun
> --
> ...Keep Smiling...

Nevermind the issue. It was something simpel as I guessed. I forgot to
pass $ARGn$ on red5_restart command definition on red5 server.

command[restart_red5]=/usr/local/bin/restart_red5.sh $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$

No more manual restarts! :D

...Keep Smiling...

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