I thing you are going to have to configure them twice.  the npc plugin
only populates its database tables from the nagios output so you can't
configure nagios from cacti.  As for configuring cacti from nagios,
you should be able to create a device template and then apply it to
bulk hosts but that will have to be through the sql back end.

The entire cacti config is in the cacti database and the actual data
is RRD files located usually in the $cacti_install/rra folder.  there
aren't any "config files" in cacti like there are in nagios.

Greg Pangrazio

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Kevin Holleran <kdaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Thanks for your help.  Is there a config file anywhere in Cacti where
> I can write something to automate this as opposed to entering the
> devices twice?  Basically, to set up this infrastructure I have about
> 350 devices to set up.... if I have to do it twice....
> Thanks.
> Kevin
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