This is the way we do it, with Parents (not host dependencies).

First we create a virtual object for the VMWare farm.  This has a status of UP 
if any of the farm servers are up (using check_summary).  This virtual 'host' 
has several services, using the v0.9 check_vmware, relating to the farm's 
alarms, storage volumes, etc.  These services have service dependencies on the 
VirtualCentre service running on the Virtual Centre host.

The Farm object has ALL of the ESX Servers as Parents.

All the VMs in the farm have the Farm object as a parent.  Some of them also 
use check_esx3 to alert on Alarms, CPU, and Memory usage within VMWare.

This might seem a bit complex if you've only the one server, but as soon as oyu 
have multiple servers in the farm, and use DRS, you have to use a farm object 
for parents/dependencies.

It might make more sense for these relationships to be host dependencies rather 
than parents i nmost cases, but we have a SAN mirrored environment to a seocnd 
ESX farm so that the VMs can be brought up ther ein the event of a complete 
farm outage, hence the use of Parents rather than dependencies.

If you have VSphere4 (ESX4.0) with a SNMP-enabled Cisco virtual switch in the 
farm, you could probably make the virtual switch the parent device rather than 
having to use a farm object.

The VMWare monitoring plugin we're using is v0.9 of check_vmware, from here:

check_summary is available from (as is check_esx3 which is 
the forerunner of check_vmware)


From: Andrew Davis []
Sent: Tuesday, 26 January 2010 9:14 a.m.
Subject: [Nagios-users] Virtual Machines - define as parent or as host 

I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this, yet keep things as simple as 

Say I have a server called Saturn running VMWare. I'm monitoring this server 
with Nagios.
I also have three VM's on Saturn: Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto

I want to suppress all host and service alerts on Jupiter, Mars, & Pluto if the 
host Saturn is down (unreachable). I do NOT want to suppress host or service 
alerts from Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto if the VMWare processes (services) are 
down on Saturn. Basically, if my VM server is completely unreachable, don't 
bother me about its client VM's.

Am I better off doing this with a host dependency? Something like:

define hostdependency {
        host_name                       Host B
        dependent_host_name             Host C
        notification_failure_criteria   d,u

Or am I better off defining Saturn as the parent of the VM's in the host 
config? Something like:

define host {
        host_name               jupiter
        use                     VMs
        alias                   jupiter
        parents                 saturn, tpdmzsw1

I've successfully used the "parents" directive to define network topology, so I 
would think this would work. What might be the risks of defining both?


  A. Davis

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   if he doesn't care who gets the credit." - Ronald Reagan

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