On Feb 17, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Lylex Ryan wrote:

> In upgrading from nagios (v2) to nagios3, I'd like to do a fresh install of 
> nagios3 and start with a clean sheet of  (config) "paper".  But can I do this 
> while V2 is running production?

Yes, I've run instances of all three versions on a single box at once.

> Since the packages have different names, I thought it might work.  But they 
> probably would both have /etc/nagios and other default directories in common. 

Clearly if the packages install components to common directories then that 
isn't going to work. Compiling and installing from tarball is not difficult at 
all and you have control over where things get put (by default everything is 
under /usr/local/nagios). You'll need to set up a second http vhost with a 
different name for the second instance and either modify the nagios init script 
to start the second instance or add the startup to rc.local.

Once you're confident in the success of your transition, you could uninstall 
the v2 package, install the v3 package and copy over your etc and var 
directories from your transition install...


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