I have to check a service every 30 minutes during normal business hour and
check the service every two hours after mid-night.  I have a extended time
period  definition.  Can someone please give an example how to do this?

define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name extended
        alias           extended
        sunday          07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        monday          07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        tuesday         07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        wednesday       07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        thursday        07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        friday          07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59
        saturday        07:00-22:59,23:00-06:59

define service{
        name                    extended                ; Name of this
        use                     generic-service     ; Inherit default values
        check_period            extended
        normal_check_interval   30
        retry_check_interval    5
        max_check_attempts      2
        notification_period     extended
        notification_interval   30
        notification_options    c,r,f
        register                0        ; DONT REGISTER THIS - ITS A

Shadhin Rahman
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