
Is it possible do use service dependencies on with hostgroup ? All
services are applied to hostgroup :

define service {
        use                     generic
        name                    service1
        description             service1
        hostgroup               server
        check_command           check1

define service {
        use                     generic
        name                    service2
        description             service2
        hostgroup               server
        check_command           check2

Is it possible that nagios doesn't send notification for service1 if
service2 is not OK ? I try to declare service dependency like :

define servicedependency {
       dependent_hostgroup_name        server
       dependent_service_description   service1
       hostgroup_name                  server
       service_description             service2
       inherits_parent                 0
       execution_failure_criteria      n
       notification_failure_criteria   w,u,c

It take a long, long, long time to verify config

$ nagios3 -v nagios.cfg
Checking for circular paths between hosts...
Checking for circular host and service dependencies...

I'm afraid I have declared dependencies from each host to all other ...



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