wrong 3d before, sorry

On 6 May 2010 11:55, Enrico Zimol <lomiz.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi at all,
> I'm newbie on nagios and I'm writing here to ask you for suggestions
> abut how to structure my monitoring situation.
> I've to monitor linux servers for about 15/20 customers, from 1 to 5
> server for each customer.
> We aren't on vpn with customers, so this servers are all behind NAT.
> That isn't a problem because we are the administrator of the firewall
> (other linux server) so we can manage any kind of DNAT and filter
> rule.
> I read on official documentation that suggest to use NCSA addon for
> distributed monitoring, but we choose to use NRPE addon for different
> motivations like:
> -customer force us to do that
> -the number of monitored servers for each customer will never grow up
> -the services to monitor for each server are the same (raid hw/sw,
> disk usage etc)
> -we need a completly centralized monitoring structure
> For last sentence I thought to use the arguments option on NRPE (yes,
> I read the SECURITY document).
> Besides, to solve the problem of NAT with NRPE I'll do DNAT on
> firewall and the port parameter on check_nrpe plugin (is there
> problems to do that? I did little tests but I prefear a confirm)
> To manage this structure I need to organized a well-formed config file
> structure on nagios server.
> I thinked to structure it like this
> obj--|
>        |-->templatelinuxserversgeneral.cfg
>        |
>        |-->customer_1_directory|->templateserver.cfg
>        |                       |->server1.cfg
>        |                       |->server2.cfg
>        |                       |->servern.cfg
>        |
>        |-->customer_2_directory|->templateserver.cfg
>                                |->server1.cfg
>                                |->servern.cfg
> Where:
> -templatelinuxserversgeneral.cfg is a very basic template for server
> -customer_1_directory in wich there is 1 file for each customer's server
> -templateserver.cfg will use templatelinuxserversgeneral and will add
> more specific common variabiles for that customer's server like the
> public IPAddress that will be the same for each customer's server.
> -servern.cfg in wich there will be some very specific server variables
> like nrpe port (read up).
> What do you think?
> How can I organize that service-server combination?
> Thank's so much
> P.S. sorry for my bad english
> --
> Enrico Zimol

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