On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 21:25 -0500, Marc Powell wrote:
> On May 13, 2010, at 2:50 PM, Scot Wilcoxon wrote:
> > I'm trying to override the existing definition, because I'd rather not
> > alter the configuration which is part of the installation package.
> Just comment out the original if you want to keep it there as a reference.

I know how to alter the files, but I was hoping to leave the original
config file alone so the system updates could replace it if necessary.

Apparently Nagios is missing the ability to replace previous definitions
(also demonstrated in the problem of "undefined" causing specific
behavior but not being able to undefine, such as for a no-ping host).  I
also haven't noticed a defined priority for configuration info,
something which would be needed for an override.


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