Below is a snapshot of monitoring performance as shown on the Tactical
Monitoring Overview Page

Monitoring Performance

Service Check Execution Time:           0.04 / 14.14 / 3.036 sec
Service Check Latency:                  0.00 / 85.15 / 9.604 sec
Host Check Execution Time:              4.30 / 16.05 / 8.263 sec
Host Check Latency:                     0.02 / 112.41 / 30.940 sec
# Active Host / Service Checks: 43 / 244
# Passive Host / Service Checks:        0  / 0

Now, I know that I'm not monitoring that many hosts, but I'm not sure
what 'good' performance is. My nagios server had an extremely high load
this morning, and the only service on that box, is nagios.

What type of performance should I reasonably expect from my monitoring

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