There is something definitely not right here.  We have about 10000 checks
and the performance is lot better.  Anyhow we are using the following values

You should enabled debug mode and check the debug logs.  Are you writing to
any backend database?  Are you using nsca to transfer service information to
remote location.  what is the value of your status_update_interval?  what is
your external_command_buffer_slots?

2010/6/28 wwanghongrui <>

>  Hi,guys~
> Our nagios server envrionment: Nagios3.2.0 + Suse10-sp2 x86_64 + 8 GB mem +
> 4 x ( Xeon(R) CPU  E7420  @ 2.13GHz )
> We have 500+ active check hosts and 3k+ active check services.  I have
> adjust some perfomance parameters in nagios.cfg, like below:
>  use_large_installation_tweaks=1
> child_processes_fork_twice=0
> enable_environment_macros=0
> check_result_reaper_frequency=5
> max_check_result_reaper_time=30
> But, The nagios performance is still bad, like below:
>    Services Actively Checked:
>     Time Frame Services Checked <= 1 minute: 271 (9.4%) <= 5 minutes: 1749
> (60.4%) <= 15 minutes: 2824 (97.4%) <= 1 hour: 2898 (100.0%) Since program
> start:   2869 (99.0%)     Metric Min. Max. Average Check Execution Time:   
> 0.09
> sec 32.23 sec 1.113 sec Check Latency: 1.12 sec 212.59 sec 116.329 sec Percent
> State Change: 0.00% 23.88% 0.05%
> Hosts Acrively Checked:
>     Time Frame Hosts Checked <= 1 minute: 32 (5.5%) <= 5 minutes: 419
> (71.5%) <= 15 minutes: 586 (100.0%) <= 1 hour: 586 (100.0%) Since program
> start:   586 (100.0%)     Metric Min. Max. Average Check Execution Time:   
> 0.08
> sec 4.29 sec 3.035 sec Check Latency: 0.00 sec 135.25 sec 116.420 sec Percent
> State Change: 0.00% 11.32% 0.09%
>  How could I find which services check or hosts check cause this seriously
> check latency?
> Regards
> HongRui Wang
> mail:
> 2010-06-28
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