On 05/20/11 22:11, Terry Carmen wrote:
> Quoting Jonathan Angliss <j...@netdork.net>:
>  > That's not to say you won't see it defined in a service, but less likely
>  > than a command. What made you think $HOSTNAME$ was valid there? If it
>  > was valid, what value should it take? What are you trying to achieve?
> I would like to define it in the "define host" section as below, and
> have it expanded in the "define service" section right below it (in the
> same file).

Nagios has no concept of what is in each file.  It simply reads them 
all, then parses the collective, rather than individually. So you may 
have a file called printer.cfg and it contain a printer, but Nagios 
doesn't care.  That file convention is for your benefit, making it 
easier for you to manage.

> It seems inefficient to be required to define an explicit hostname in
> each section of an object definition.

Why? A service can be defined on a single host, or multiple hosts.  See 
above statement, it might make it a little clearer as to why you have to 
specify it.

> define host{
> host_name mymachine
> hostgroups MyGroup
> alias mymachine
> address
> max_check_attempts 5
> contact_groups admins
> check_command check-host-alive
> }
> define service{
> use generic-service
> host_name %HOSTNAME%
> ^^^^^^^^ should expand to mymachine
> service_description PING
> check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%
> }

A common trick in most package systems is if you want the PING service 
to be applied to all hosts, then use host_name *, this should expand.

Jonathan Angliss

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