Hi Community!
i have a little problem here with Nagios (web interface).
i have the following message from all menu items from the left pannel :
Error: Could not read object configuration data!
Here are some things you should check in order to resolve this error:
Verify configuration options using the -v command-line option to check for 
Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data 
Make sure you read the documentation on installing, configuring and running 
Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message 
to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at 
i did struggled the past 2 days with this issue. going over all config files i 
could think off, and even installed a VM with a linux to compare configs. but 
still the same issue...
i am running 
fedora 15 64 bits,
nagios 3.2.3 october 03, 2010
i think nagios is working fine, because i get the email warnings of my failed 
the nagios -v command returns no error at all.
my guess is that httpd (apache) is in cause here. i tried the default config 
from the RPM packages, no luck.
when i installed it on the VM, it worked like a charm, so i tried the 
nagios.cfg, httpd.conf, cgi.conf, well all config frommy VM to my server, same 
next step, i looked the file ownerships, properties and applied the same 
ownership settings from the VM to my server, still the same problem.
i tried also to put debug message very verbose on nagios and apache, nothing 
showed up.
my login is working fine as well from the nagios web page, username password 
are valids.
anyone came accros this issue ?
if requested, i can provide all my configs. it used to work few weeks ago, but 
my raid array broke so i had to reinstall rfom scratch... since then, something 
seems deffective.
any help would be appreciated!
best regards, Francois
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Nagios-users mailing list
::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
any issue. 
::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

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