Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> On 10/17/2011 11:10 AM, Michael Friedrich wrote:
>> Fournier, Wim wrote:
>>> On 10/17/11 9:31 AM, "Michael Friedrich"<>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 3.2.3 is considered stable, 3.3.x is a developer release tree and
>>> Are you sure? 3.3.1 is marked as the latest stable on
>>> and 3.2.3 as the
>>> previous stable.
>> oh. i wasn't aware of that change, thanks for the pointer. well if they
>> say so. i've encountered and fixed various bugs on my 3.3.1 github tree,
>> so i don't consider it stable as it should be.
>> anyhow, as stated before, that's nagios devs' decision not mine ;-)
> All non-trivial programs have bugs. How many have you fixed in Icinga
> that were shipped in "stable" releases? The ones reported for Nagios have
> all been fairly "safe" in that they're small or one-time leaks, exist in
> code not normally exercised (recently added features without ui support),
> changes in behaviour that might as well have been misdocumented in the
> first place or only triggered by certain combinations of eventbroker
> modules.

i've added my input on the empty perfdata behaviorial change on the 
nagios-devel lists and i do think that this is a bug because it actually 
breaks compatibility. even if not intended, if the behaviour stayed thre 
for a long time, i don't see the reason to "fix" that this way. but 
solely, that's just my opinion even if i break the abi myself from time 
to time. just a hint to reduce support questions.

> And yes, 3.3.1 is the latest stable. I'm not aware of any bugs in it,
> apart from the potential one that Dorian sent me a patch for a few weeks
> ago that I still haven't had time to review and test properly, so it's a
> bug in potentia, but not actually verified.

i've looked over them and i am still waiting for further input on what 
exactly leaks. i'm with you, free'ing the macros themselves rather than 
cleaning up the whole "mess".

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

phone:  +43 1 4277 14359
mobile: +43 664 60277 14359
fax:    +43 1 4277 14338

Icinga Core&  IDOUtils Developer

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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