Besides of course the Spooler Service, you should also monitor the Windows
Event Log.
I've experienced a lot of driver issues on an old Windows print server
which temporarily caused the affected printer(s) to appear as 'offline'.
Such problems appeared in the event log as Warnings with the message
content something about the driver. That was on a Windows Server 2003, but
I think such driver problems are still logged to the Event Log.

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Jim Avery <> wrote:

> On 1 December 2011 12:39, James Osbourn <> wrote:
> > I have a Windows 7 server acting as a print server and I would like to
> check the status of these printers and make sure that they are still online
> etc.
> >
> > I cannot seem to find a way of checking printers shared from a Windows
> machine, does anyone have any suggestions or references that I could use.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > James
> I query the windows performance counter for number of print jobs
> spooling.  If a printer breaks then usually this counter starts
> ramping up quite rapidly as more and more print jobs get stuck in the
> queue.
> For example, the [external alias] section of your nsc.ini (assuming
> you use NSClient++), you can have:-
> alias_CheckCounter-PrintQJobs=CheckCounter "Counter:jobs=\Print
> Queue(_Total)\Jobs" ShowAll MaxWarn=250 MaxCrit=500
> Then your service definition would look something like this:-
> define service {
>        host_name                       printserver1,printserver2
>        service_description             PrintQJobs
>        use                             srv-pnp,generic-service
>        check_command                   check_nrpe!-c PrintQJobs
>        max_check_attempts              6
>        check_interval                  15
>        retry_interval                  5
>        contact_groups                  notify-admins
>        notes                           Records the number of Active
> Jobs on a Print Server
>        register                        1
> }
> And the command definition I use is just a generic one for any nrpe
> check like so:-
> define command {^M
>        command_name                    check_nrpe
>        command_line                    $USER1$/check_nrpe -H
>        register                        1
> }
> Our servers aren't quite as recent as Windows 7, but I guess the
> counter would still be the same.
> I hope that helps.
> Jim
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