On 10.01.2012 21:14, Jake Xu wrote:
Just attached Andreas' response from another thread.

@Dan, I've taken a look at Multisite. It seems to have some crazy batch commands/comments which are exactly what I am looking for. I tried it a bit but ended up getting segfault from apache when I accessed the webpage localhost/check_mk/. It's probably because I have too many sites running on my test box. Will try again later. Thanks for the recommendation.

multsite requires mk_livestatus as core neb module. keep that in mind when installing it. ah well, and it's python. that could be the problem on your apache. best will be to debug it on the logs and report back to developers.

@Michael, Icinga would be good if I started from sratch. It is pain for me to migrate everything to Icinga though because the default file structure is different and the web ui is not as straightforward as Nagios core. Thanks for showing me the OMD, didn't aware of it at all.

migration is not really painful when you know the right docs to read (i won't post them here, see the official docs). that comes to mind when reading omd as well where the file structures remains even more different (site based), but that's one of those things being traversed into a benefit of keeping different sites for testing and having one as production setup - and doing other upgrade stuff. icinga webui - there are 2 of them (new idoutils based and old classicui, having 2 developer teams on the project). when comparing icinga's classic ui to nagios classic ui, compound commands is one of those things people are asking a lot about (mostly for acknowledging problems, but also to schedule checks or downtimes). to be honest, i couldn't work with nagios classic ui again if someone would pin me other there. but that's just my humble opinion and not really liked ;) as remarked by andreas, nagios developers do not seem to have the intention to feature enhance the classic ui so it will be a dead end requesting features like compound commands. patching that is not really funny, but you can meet rune or ricardo on irc.freenode.net and ask by yourself ;-)

generally speaking you should give the omd setup a test install and then decide what to do. if you now stick with nagios core 3.2.3 and wait for a 3.4.x stable release until you test various other guis and tools, wouldn't make much difference then not doing it ;-)

@Andreas, I am defining "large number of hosts" as >= one thousand, and each host is likely to have +/- 10 services, so you get the idea :) I agree with you that Thruk doesn't look as good as others, so I am looking into Check_MK Multisite as it has some pretty useful commands/shortcuts/features. I don't use the report feature that much, so Multisite should be good enough. Yeah, hacking the cgi is really undesirable. I will just try to adapt anohter UI like Multisite.

even if thruk doesn't look that good, it is feature rich and sven is a good developer responding fast to ideas and demands. and from what i have seen, you can use other templates as well - perl catalyst power. someone might have wanted a mindmap or an integrated config editor as well - he added that to thruk. irc or the nagios portal might be the best address to discuss such topics though.

kind regards,

Thanks for all the response!


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Andreas Ericsson <a...@op5.se <mailto:a...@op5.se>> wrote:

    On 01/09/2012 08:53 PM, Jake Xu wrote:
    > Hi everyone,
    >> From time to time, I need to restart or reschedule all services
    to verify
    > that some new checks or new hosts are working properly. Is there
    any easy
    > way to do that? I have a large number of hosts and services, so
    it would be
    > tedious to click through a bunch of links via the web interface.
    > external command is not very feasible as well because I would
    have to have
    > all host names and service names for the command line commands.
    > I have seen a pretty good idea on Icinga, a Nagios fork, for
    this purpose.
    > It has a checkbox associated with each service check and a
    > checkbox to select all checkboxes. It would be useful to have
    that on the
    > Nagios Core, but AFAIK there isn't any.

    Pretty much all other UI's but the basic one has this capability.
    I'd imagine Thruk and Multisite would suit you very well. It sort
    of depends
    on how you define "large number of hosts and services" though.
    Most UI's
    scale just fine to a couple of thousand hosts, although certain
    parts of it
    might suck donkey balls with huge networks. Multisite suffers when
    reports, for example, but is crazy fast at showing current status.
    Thruk is
    faster at both (last time I checked), but it's, imo, pretty ugly
    (sorry Sven)
    and lacks a bunch of boss-bling type features that other UI's have.


    As for adding that capability to the "default" ui; That's not
    going to happen
    unless someone provides a patch for it. None of the maintainers
    have any
    interest in adding features to the cgi, so they're there simply as
    a fallback
    and will most likely be removed some time in the future in favour
    of a ui
    written in some more easily hackable language.

    Andreas Ericsson andreas.erics...@op5.se
    OP5 AB www.op5.se <http://www.op5.se/>
    Tel: +46 8-230225 <tel:%2B46%208-230225>                  Fax: +46
    8-230231 <tel:%2B46%208-230231>

    Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
    terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
    on peace.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 1:17 PM, <andrew.f...@wellsfargo.com <mailto:andrew.f...@wellsfargo.com>> wrote:

    I usually combine the classic external command scripts with a
    smidge of perl to grab the members of the hostgroup that I want to
    trigger something for.

    If you give the following script a hostgroup name, it will grab
    the members from objects.cache:


    use warnings;

    use strict;

    my $hostgroup = $ARGV[0];

    # here’s the spot where I should be checking that $hostgroup is

    open my $objects,'<','/usr/local/nagios/var/objects.cache' or die
    "Failure opening objects file: $!\n";

    $/ = '}';

    while (<$objects>) {

        if (/hostgroup_name\s+($hostgroup)/gs) {


            my $members = $1;

            my @members = split /,/,$members;

            for my $member (@members) {

                print "$member\n";




    close $objects;

    When you run that you get a list that you can feed to your
    external command script.

    Here’s the idea in shell on the command line:

    bash# for x in `get_hostgroup_members big_switches`;do
    trigger_service_script $x;done

    Andy Ford

    Network Security Engineer | Solutions Design & Automation|
    Information Security Technology

    314-348-4937 <tel:314-348-4937>

    andrew.f...@wellsfargo.com <mailto:andrew.f...@wellsfargo.com>

    *From:*Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at

    *Sent:* Monday, January 09, 2012 2:54 PM
    *To:* nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
    *Subject:* Re: [Nagios-users] How to reschedule multiple/all
    services at once

    On 09.01.2012 20:53, Jake Xu wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    From time to time, I need to restart or reschedule all services to
    verify that some new checks or new hosts are working properly. Is
    there any easy way to do that? I have a large number of hosts and
    services, so it would be tedious to click through a bunch of links
    via the web interface. Using external command is not very feasible
    as well because I would have to have all host names and service
    names for the command line commands.

    I have seen a pretty good idea on Icinga, a Nagios fork, for this
    purpose. It has a checkbox associated with each service check and
    a select-all checkbox to select all checkboxes.

    hehe. you just made ricardo and rune proud :-))

    It would be useful to have that on the Nagios Core, but AFAIK
    there isn't any.

    for the problem itsself - try OMD. nagios, icinga, shinken as core
    available whilst the gui decision is up to you.


    Thanks in advance,



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    DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

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    Lead Icinga Core Developer


    Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a
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DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
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