On 04/04/2012 15:54, Christoph Kluenter wrote:
> Hi,
> i tried to search for "nagios plugin file permission" but obviously got lots 
> of
> wrong results :)
> I need a plugin that ensures that files in a given directory all belong to 
> one user/group.
> Has anybody here ever seen a script for this purpose ?
do you have any specific about one directory? or a recursive lookup?
if you will use the commands:
ls -l| awk '{ print $3 }'
ls -l| awk '{ print $4 }'

will give you the owner(3) and the group (4) of all files in a directory.
also you can use the stat command on specific file:
stat -c %U /full_file/path
stat -c %G /full_file/path

so you can try to do a "for" or "while" loop on all the results and in a 
case you find different owner then expected change a variable.
you can also use a "xargs" with a nested if that will make sure that $1 
is the same as you want to check.
pretty simple to write cause it's a either every file is owned by the 
same owner or not so it's OK or CRITICAL.

in case you need more help i will have sometime next week.


> Cheers,
>    christoph

Eliezer Croitoru
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eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il

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