
Nagios 3.2.3, running on CentOS.  I have two service escalations setup:

define serviceescalation{
        servicegroup_name               noncritical
        first_notification              1
        last_notification               0
        notification_interval           10
        escalation_options              w,r
        contactgroups                   Group1

define serviceescalation{
        servicegroup_name               noncritical
        first_notification              1
        last_notification               0
        notification_interval           10
        escalation_options              c,u,r
        contactgroups                   Group2

What I want to do is have all WARNINGS and associated RECOVERYs go to
Group1, while all CRITICAL and UNKNOWNs and associated RECOVERYs go to

For the problem alerts, works great, each group only gets what is defined.
 But both Group1 and Group2 get all RECOVERY notifications, even for
problem notifications they don't.

Is there a way to achieve what I want?

Many Thanks!
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