Check out Bug 247

The attached patch should fix the issue.



Phil Randal
Infrastructure Engineer
Hoople Ltd | Thorn Office Centre | Hereford HR2 6JT
Tel: 01432 260415 | Email:

From: James Fillman []
Sent: 12 July 2012 18:57
To: ''
Subject: [Nagios-users] Help with OCP_daemon and distributed monitoring

I've got a large distributed Nagios installation that uses the OCP_daemon to 
handle the forwarding of passive service checks to the master server. I've 
recently upgraded from version 3.0.3 to 3.4.1. After the upgrade, I've found a 
serious problem that I haven't completely solved yet.

When using the OCP_daemon, you configure Nagios to forward passive check 
results by having it write performance data to a named pipe. While on version 
3.0.3, all passive check results where being where being written to the perf 
data named pipe regardless of whether there was performance data or not. Since 
the upgrade to 3.4.1, check data only gets written to the pipe if the plugin 
generates perf data. I need all check results, regardless of state to be 
written to the pipe and forwarded on to the master. Has anyone else encountered 
this issue and what was the solution.

Here's the relevant config:

# Enable Performance data processing.

# Files to which Nagios will write data. In this setup
# they will be named pipes.

# This is exactly what will be sent to send_NSCA. Do not change it.

# The write mode should be w, although append should have no effect on a named 

# We don't want to process any command, so set this to 0


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