On 09/12/2012 07:03 PM, francis picabia wrote:
> We have used nagios successfully for many years and never seen
> a case like this.  I cannot get nagios sevice to see the remote
> http service is up, although the check command indicates it is up
> and the remote apache log shows nagios visited with no error.
> The site to monitor runs webwork, a math quiz system.  I have it
> set to redirect / to /webwork and also redirect insecure to https.
> At first I did a plain check_http.
> I switched to -S option and added -u with the full URL to avoid hitting
> the redirects, so I can get a clean code 200 returned, in case that
> was muddling things.  No difference.
> When I look at the apache log, I can see the visits from nagios,
> For the early morning visits, there is no one
> using the system, so it can't be unresponsive.
> Here is my check command:
> # 'check_www_ssl' command definition
> define command{
>          command_name    check_www_ssl
>          command_line    $USER1$/check_http -S -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -f
> follow -w 5 -c 20 -t 60 -u $ARG1$
>          }
> Here is my service:
> define service{
>          use                             generic-service
>          host_name                       webwork
>          is_volatile                     0
>          service_description             Webwork Web Service
>          check_command
> check_www_ssl!'https://webwork.example.com/webwork/'
>          check_period                    24x7
>          contact_groups                  unix-admins
>          max_check_attempts              3
>          normal_check_interval           3
>          retry_check_interval            1
>          notification_interval           120
>          notification_period             24x7
>          notification_options            w,u,c,r
>          }

This is the service definition (will be relevant later)...

> Of course I have changed the actual domain to example.com in the above.

But you forgot to change it in the apache log ;)

> The alert report:
> ***** Nagios 3.2 *****
> Notification Type: PROBLEM
> Host: webwork
> State: DOWN
> Address:
> Info: Server answer:
> Date/Time: Wed Sept 12 06:59:04 ADT 2012
> Here is a sample visit from nagios in the webwork apache log file
> before this time.
> XXX.YYY.2.50 - - [12/Sep/2012:06:58:50 -0300] "GET
> https://webwork.acadiau.ca/webwork/ HTTP/1.0" 200 5015 "-"
> "check_http/v1.4.14 (nagios-plugins 1.4.14)"
> Our apache logs show nagios is visiting every 3 minutes, 24 hours a day.  None
> of these visits results in an error.
> In a nagios log, this is all that appears for webwork for the day:
> # grep webwork nagios-09-11-2012-00.log
> [1347246000] CURRENT HOST STATE: webwork;DOWN;HARD;1;Server answer:
> [1347246000] CURRENT SERVICE STATE: webwork;Webwork Web
> Service;OK;HARD;1;HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 4053 bytes in 0.274
> second response time

So according to these two, the service (which you're saying never
turns OK) is OK, but the host itself appears to be down. I think
you need to rethink

> If I do the check_http manually, I seem to get through fine:
> # /usr/lib/nagios3.2/libexec/check_http 0-S -I webwork -f follow -w5
> -c 20 -t 60 -u https://webwork.example.com/webwork
> HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5162 bytes in 0.025 second response time
> |time=0.024700s;5.000000;20.000000;0.000000 size=5162B;;;0
> Can anyone spot a reason why this alert is not set up properly or
> there is a better way to do it?

Examine the *host* check, not the service check, if you want to figure
out why the host appears to be down.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.erics...@op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
on peace.

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