Well, thats the hard part for me, installing those ORA files - didnt find yet how to do that. I think installing the plugin on DBServer and using NRPE is easier.

 Cosmin Neagu
 NOC Team Leader
 Str. I. G. Duca nr. 36
 Otopeni, Judetul Ilfov, 075100 Romania
 Tel: 021 303 3159 / 0732 669 193

On 10/02/2012 06:05 PM, Claudio Kuenzler wrote:

    The plugin needs to be installed on the Oracle Database server.

That's not entirely correct. It can also run on a standalone Nagios server. But you need to install the ora files to be able to launch the plugin against an Oracle DB server.
I did that successfully on Nagios 3.3.1 against ORA11.

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