While HA can be a great thing I've always been of the opinion that a monitoring setup needs to have as few moving parts as possible. The more complexity to the monitor, the more chance you'll be chasing monitoring issues rather than site issues. And everthing you add on top of the monitor also needs to be monitored. So somehow that F5 is going to need an out-of-band monitor because if it dies then your Nagios host may well not have a way to contact you about it unless you've dual homed it which brings up a whole other set of issues.

The closest I got to HA at my last gig was creating a CNAME for the active Nagios host so in a failover you point the CNAME to the new box and at least passive checks can still roll in (after DNS timeout of course, which I say is better than reconfiging every NSCA clent).


On Thu, 9 May 2013, Steve Shipway wrote:

Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 09:19:17 +0000
From: Steve Shipway <s.ship...@auckland.ac.nz>
Reply-To: Nagios Users List <nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
To: "nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Nagios-users] High Availabilty with Nagios

Does anyone have an HA setup for Nagios that works?

I'm thinking of creating a NEB module that will link two Nagios setups, and 
replicate over all
status changes, config changes, downtime, comments, etc etc and then set the 
'standby' Nagios to
be checks/notifications disabled when in standby mode, and enabled when in 
active mode.  Then
put the two behind a failover load balancer (F5, Foundry or apache reverse 

However this would be too much work if someone else has already found an 
equivalent solution.

I've looked at Merlin but it doesn't seem to do what I'm after (and the 
documentation is
practically nonexistant - much the same as the NEB API documentation, in fact). 
lets me have redundant checks and replicate *active* checks, but not commands, 
downtime or
passive checks.

Does anyone out there have a workable way to get an active/standby or 
active/active Nagios
setup?  Would be interested in hearing all ideas...


Steve Shipway
University of Auckland ITS
UNIX Systems Design Lead
Ph: +64 9 373 7599 ext 86487

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