* Marc Haber <mh+nagios-us...@zugschlus.de> [2013-06-26 21:22]:
> I have a system running Debian oldstable with Nagios-Plugins 1.4.15. A
> few weeks ago, my check_ntp_peer checks have started acting up:
> $ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ntp_peer --hostname=2001:1b18:f:4::2 
> --warning 3 --critical 5 --jwarn 10 --jcrit 20 --twarn 2: --tcrit 3: --swarn 
> 2 --scrit 2 -v
> 3 candidate peers available
> synchronization source found
> Getting offset, jitter and stratum for peer e20a
> parsing offset from peer e20a: error: unable to read server offset response.
> parsing jitter from peer e20a: error: unable to read server jitter/dispersion 
> response.
> parsing stratum from peer e20a: error: unable to read server stratum response.
> NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown, jitter=-1,000000, stratum=-1, truechimers=6| 
> jitter=-1,000000;10,000000;20,000000;0,000000 stratum=-1;2;2;0;16 
> truechimers=6;0;0;0

This is probably caused by a bug in Force10 switches mentioned here:


Due to that bug, the check_ntp_peer requests got duplicated on their way
to the server, and the server therefore sent multiple responses per
request.  check_ntp_peer then stumbled over those duplicated responses.
That's a bug, I'll fix it later today.

Thanks to Marc for providing tcpdump output and for his help with
tracking the issue down.


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