Just speaking for myself here, in my experience distro-level packaging 
usually isn't part of a project's goals and can be an extreme distraction 
considering the vast number of distros out there, all with their own 
little quirks. Spec files and other contrib items work their way into 
source trees and are useful until the 3rd party API changes and the 
original maintainers lose interest. I'd look into the checkin history of 
the spec file to see if anyone has been making regular updates. Or even 
easier, go get the SRPM from EPEL, which is known to work, and alter it as 
you see fit for your purposes.


On Wed, 24 Jul 2013, alexus wrote:

> thank you for your recommendation) although I'd really like to know why it 
> was ok on 3.2.3 and
> not ok going forward (seems like a bug to me that needed to be reported back 
> to nagios folks).
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Trond Hasle Amundsen 
> <t.h.amund...@usit.uio.no> wrote:
>       alexus <ale...@gmail.com> writes:
>       > I'm unable to build RPM w/ nagios 3.5.0, last one that worked for me 
> was 3.2.3.
>       > any ideas/suggestions?
> I'd recommend using the already prebuilt package for rhel6 which is
> available from EPEL[1]. Add the EPEL repo and you can simply do "yum
> install nagios" and be done :)
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
> Cheers,
> --
> Trond H. Amundsen <t.h.amund...@usit.uio.no>
> Center for Information Technology Services, University of Oslo
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