  I was hoping I might find someone who's got the splunk integration
actively working.  I'm running Nagios Core (via EPEL) and Splunk 5.0.3 on
OracleLinux 6.4.

   When I edit cgi.cfg and enable splunk integration, then set the splunk
URL to https://<mysplunkserver>:8000/en-US/app/search/flastimeline, I
notice the nagios URLs look like: https://
plugin check>.  I have two questions...

   - Is there a way I can make nagios use the hostname only, not the FQDN?
   We use short names in splunk so we don't a mix of fqdn and short names
   since we use both forwarders and syslog as input.
   - What data is this query looking for, is it expected that I should have
   my nagios log in splunk?  The <nagios plugin check> in the query doesn't
   seem useful to me, unless there's splunk data specifically tied to that
   check, and I'm hoping someone could provide an example.

Kind regards,
Sean M. Alderman
Senior Engineer, UDit Systems Integration and Engineering
University of Dayton
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