October 24, 2002


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. ‹ A Purdue University foods and nutrition associate
professor is one of the nation's experts invited to Chicago at the end of
the month to discuss the discovery of a potential carcinogen in starchy,
fried foods.

"An ad hoc group, composed of food industry, trade association, and academic
and government representatives, is bringing together food and nutrition
experts to assess where we are on this topic and to plot the course for
future action," said Charles Santerre, who specializes in chemical
contaminants in food.

The workshop, Monday through Wednesday (10/28-10/30), is part of the annual
National Center for Food Safety and Technology Conference that is sponsored
by the Food and Drug Administration.

Six months ago the Swedish Food Authority reported that some of our favorite
foods, such as potato chips and french fries, may contain acrylamide. At
high levels, acrylamide has been shown to cause cancer in animals. The
implications of the Swedish findings motivated the World Health Organization
to rapidly convene international experts to discuss the impact of this

"The Food and Drug Administration is taking this very seriously, but there
are holes in the data that can't be answered overnight," said Santerre, who
began studying this topic more closely this spring and is well known for his
research on contaminants in food. "We do know that we have been eating fried
and baked foods for hundreds of years with no apparent adverse effects."

In April the Swedish Food Authority reported a wide range of acrylamide
concentrations when examining a small number of starchy and fried foods. The
amounts ranged from 30 to 2,300 parts per billion. Acrylamide is considered
to be a probable human carcinogen and is a known neurotoxicant, said Joanne
Lasrado, doctoral candidate in foods and nutrition at Purdue. The substance
is a white crystalline, water-soluble compound that is used in the paper,
paint, leather tanning and mining industries. It also is present in
cigarette smoke.

Acrylamide is formed when foods high in starch are cooked in temperatures
greater than 248 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooking methods that require this
amount of heat include roasting, grilling, barbecuing and baking. It is
believed that when a naturally occurring amino acid, asparagine, is heated
with certain sugars, such as glucose, acrylamide is created. Many snack
foods are made up of starch, which is a good source of the simple sugar,

Boiled starchy foods do not show an increase in acrylamide.

Santerre said more information is needed before people abandon french fries
or potato chips.

"People don't understand that traces of carcinogens can be found in pretty
much all of our foods," Santerre said. "Detecting a carcinogen is not a
reason to change dieting patterns. We also need to think about the dose,
since small doses can be harmless while high doses can be harmful. It is the
job of the toxicologist to determine at what level the dose becomes

There also is no conclusive evidence that acrylamide causes cancer in
humans. Questions still remain about the levels and extent of acrylamide in
food products, the mechanisms by which it is formed in fried foods, whether
the body can efficiently absorb and process it, along with the toxicological

Lasrado said scientists need to develop analytical methods that can be more
routinely used for the analysis of acrylamide in foods, since current
methods are slow, expensive and technically difficult to perform. Studies
also need to be conducted to find ways to reduce acrylamide formation during

Until there are more answers, the Food and Agriculture Organization and
World Health Organization recommend people avoid overcooking foods.

"However, the organizations also advise that you adequately cook meat and
meat products to destroy food-borne pathogens," Lasrado said. "They
reinforced eating a healthy balanced diet that is low in fat and has a lot
of fruits and vegetables."

Writer: Amy Patterson-Neubert, (765) 494-9723, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sources: Charles Santerre, (765) 496-3443, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joanne Lasrado, (765) 494-8249, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Related Web sites:

Charles Santerre's Web site:

National Center for Food Safety and Technology:

Jeanne Norberg, director
Purdue University News Service
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