My Aunt has Renaud's Disease.  It is basically a circulation problem.  In
cold weather her fingers will not get enough blood and her hands will be
cold.  She would (on occasion) have trouble with her acrylic curing and her
polish.  Polish does like warm temperatures to dry.  You could help her
nails along by putting her in a UV light that was turned on right before you
started to polish.  Not because of the UV Light but the warmth it emits.
Also, another trick for cold weather climates is to put a heating pad under
your table towel.  This will keep your clients hands toasty and help her
service along.

OR...capitalize.  Offer her a treatment using warming mittens.  That way her
hands will be warm prior to the polish and this will help with curing

Lastly, out of curiousity.  Is she short?  I ask this because quite possibly
if her hands are above her heart level while receiving the service the blood
is draining out of them and cooling them down.  Raise her chair or prop her
on a pillow to keep her hands below heart level and blood pumping.

:) Elaine

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 6:35 AM, HEIDI WOODCOCK <

>  hi everyone i am in desperate need of some help, i have a regular client
> and until recently i have had no problems however just recently i have and
> so has she that one hand will dry lovely but the other seems as if it wont
> dry, i am doing nothing different to it, the only thing is the hand which
> dosent seem to dry is always cold and the other is warm, can anyone help
> please
> heidi xx
> >

Elaine T. Watson
Star Nail International
Vice President of Marketing and Sales
Global Education Director
800.782.7624 extension 321
fax 661.257.5847
Blog: itsnotarealjob.blogspot.com

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