----- Original Message ----
To: NailTech@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 10:00:37 AM
Subject: NailTech:: Research Question for All of You

I need some ammo for my company blog.  So I wanted to ask all of you a few 
questions.  I will credit you with anything I use in the Blog.
And thank you in advance for taking the time.  Feel free to email me directly 
if you do not want to answer to the mailing list.

1) Have you been following the news and the financial issues facing our 
Countries top financial institutions and Wall Street?

I follow fairly closely.

2) Have you seen an effect on your business since in the last 2 -3 weeks (good 
or bad)?

No, but that may be because I am in the process of moving salons.......again. 
But my clients are all talking about it, wondering when it will hit us here in 
Montana.......we are always behind the curve, good or bad.

3) Are you worrying about the next few months?


4) Are you making any changes to your menu (services)?


5) Are you making changes to how you order products? (quantity, web, direct)

I've always been careful about how and when I order. Usually over the internet 
since I live 90 miles from a decent supply house. I am not investing in those 
unnecessary but fun to have items anymore.

6) Do you Retail?  If not, are you considering it now?

I do not do retail beyond a few items. I am relocating in my daughter's new 
salon, however, and she insists that I do OPI retail (whatever their current 
collection is). She says her clients are in the habit of purchasing multiple 
bottles of the current collection. I'll give it a try.

7) Any ideas or thoughts on marketing your business over the next few months 
that you'd like to share....

There are 3 other service providers on our floor....a massage therepist, a 
reflexologist and an esthetician. We will be trading services amongst ourselves 
so that we can recommend eachother from personal experience. We've found that 
this type of promotion is by far the best. We also plan to do lots of cross 
promotions with other businesses in our small town.

Again, thanks in advance!  This will help me stay in touch with what you all 
are going through right now (if at all) and help me to give 
the right advice to other techs. 

Marsha McDonald Rubino
Gimme Nails @Red Union Salon
713 E. 13th St. Upper Suite
Whitefish, Montana
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