

I am all about my Palm products.  I have had just about every Palm product
imaginable since 1999 and I am currently in love with my PALM PRE. I tried
the Blackberry, wanted to be like Lynnette J.I ran back to Sprint on Day 30.


In addition to my PDA, I do have salon software by Millennium and I love
that too. It's more than appointments, it business management with tons of


LaShaun Brown-Glenn

Nails Naturally Hand and Foot Spa


Speaking On Point



From: nailtech@googlegroups.com [mailto:nailt...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of KeyzKaren
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 8:08 PM
To: nailtech@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: NailTech:: appiontment scheduling


From: nailtech@googlegroups.com [mailto:nailt...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Katherine

I am wondering what everyone is using to schedule appointments. I use a
Palm, an old one, just a PDA and it's on it's last leg. What do you all use?
Computer? Paper book? I Phone? I Pad? Palm Pre? What is out there? What are
my options?


St.Louis, MO 


A few years ago I dragged myself kicking and screaming into the new
millennium.and went from paper scheduling using a day runner to using
agendus on my palm treo. It was really wonderful.I went from lugging around
a hefty book and having to do a lot of erasing [yeah, yeah.that 'eraser app'
is not so nifty when one of my standings changed her days] to carrying one
tiny little device that was my phone, my book, my address/contact list, etc.


Just recently have had to give up the treo.out of memory and it's pretty
beat up and getting lots of people telling me that they can't hear me. Have
been doing my research and what I really wanted was a new palm.but can't
spend the hundreds just now, and maneuvered a way to get a sexy new
blackberry bold 9700 for a penny. It is really pretty nice..except it, like
most calendar programs, do not allow you to 'change future occurrences only'
as a choice when you're changing a client's standing appts. I ordered the
agendus program.only to find, like Rhonda, that it does not work the same
fabulous way on the bb platform as it does on palm.  Thankfully pati
Schembari has given me a work-around solution, so I am once again, quite
happy to have all my scheduling, phone numbers, emails, facebook, etc. all
on one tiny device. It's not as wonderful as the palm.but it'll do.


I am able to sync it with outlook on my laptop, and I do that often.in fact,
once in a while you need to clean things up and it's much easier to do it on
the full keyboard than the phone. 


Some features that I feel are really helpful if you want to work in this


=Being able to answer the phone, put them on speaker and easily open up your
calendar to see what's available makes life easier. Less call backs.just get
it booked now and done.


=An easy way to back up your data is important.


=A system that integrates your contact list with your calendar is good..not
all systems allow this. For example, I can go to a certain day, click on a
certain appointment and click to open a menu that lets me text, call or
email that person. 


=The ability to define categories of appointments is helpful.I use different
categories to take care of my clients, my medical appointments, personal
appointments, etc. Some systems don't allow this, or they make you have more
than one calendar.which gets confusing.  


Hope these ideas help you as you decide..good luck   ;-]



Key west



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