>                                            千葉市中央区長洲
>                                                    藤原  誠
namazu-2.0.15RC3 を NetBSD/macppc の上で確認しました。

  NetBSD/macppc 3.99.15 (current)
  perl 5.8.7            (5.8.7nb6)
  NKF:  2.05
  p5-nkf 2.0.5          (2.0.5nb1)
  KAKASI: 2.3.4         (2.3.4nb2)
  ChaSen: 2.3.3         (2.3.3nb1)
  gettext 0.14.4
  MeCab:  --

○ make check
All 50 tests passed

● pltests
   109  10:00   cd pltests/
   111  10:00   make
   114  10:00   perl alltests.pl


ttyp1:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:00:49/060115(...namazu-2.0.15RC3/pltests)> perl 
  *** starting alltests.pl
FAIL: mknmz-1.pl
Can not open file. : 
/export/local-src/namazu-2.0.15RC3/pltests/idx1/NMZ.field.uri at pltests.pl 
line 160.
FAIL: mknmz-2.pl
test-log の最初を見ると、次のようになっています。
ttyp1:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:04:34/060115(...namazu-2.0.15RC3/pltests)> head 
  *** ../scripts/mknmz --help 

Can't locate var.pl in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/local/share/namazu/pl .
/usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0) at ../scripts/mknmz line 360.
(注) make install は一度もしていません。
(普段使うものは /usr/pkg に入っています)

○ もう一度 pltests
ttyp1:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:05:28/060115(...namazu-2.0.15RC3/pltests)> env 
pkgdatadir=../ perl alltests.pl
  *** starting alltests.pl
PASS: mknmz-1.pl
FAIL: namazu-1.pl
FAIL: namazu-2.pl
FAIL: namazu-3.pl
FAIL: namazu-4.pl
Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at namazu-5.pl line 80.
FAIL: namazu-5.pl
FAIL: namazu-6.pl
Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric ne (!=) at namazu-7.pl line 65.
FAIL: namazu-7.pl
FAIL: namazu-8.pl
FAIL: namazu-9.pl
FAIL: namazu-10.pl
FAIL: namazu-11.pl
FAIL: namazu-12.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-1.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-2.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-3.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-4.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-5.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-7.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-8.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-9.pl
FAIL: namazu-cgi-10.pl
FAIL: chasen-1.pl
FAIL: chasen-2.pl

FAIL: kakasi-1.pl
FAIL: kakasi-2.pl
25 of 44 tests failed
ttyp1:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:15:30/060115(...namazu-2.0.15RC3/pltests)> 

test-log については後ほど ..

○ mknmz -C の結果
ttyp2:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:07:46/060115(...local-src/namazu-2.0.15RC3)> env 
pkgdatadir=./ scripts/mknmz -C
Loaded rcfile: /home/makoto/.mknmzrc
System: netbsd
Namazu: 2.0.15RC3
Perl: 5.008007
File-MMagic: 1.25
NKF: module_nkf
KAKASI: module_kakasi -ieuc -oeuc -w
ChaSen: module_chasen -i e -j -F "%m "
MeCab: no
Wakati: module_kakasi -ieuc -oeuc -w
Lang_Msg: ja_JP.eucJP
Lang: ja_JP.eucJP
Coding System: euc
CONFDIR: /usr/local/etc/namazu
LIBDIR: .//pl
FILTERDIR: .//filter
TEMPLATEDIR: .//template
Supported media types:   (36)
Unsupported media types: (8) marked with minus (-) probably missing application 
in your $path.
  application/excel: excel.pl
  application/gnumeric: gnumeric.pl
  application/ichitaro5: taro56.pl
  application/ichitaro6: taro56.pl
- application/ichitaro7: taro7_10.pl
  application/macbinary: macbinary.pl
  application/msword: msword.pl
- application/pdf: pdf.pl
- application/postscript: postscript.pl
  application/powerpoint: powerpoint.pl
- application/rtf: rtf.pl
  application/vnd.kde.kivio: koffice.pl
  application/vnd.kde.kpresenter: koffice.pl
  application/vnd.kde.kspread: koffice.pl
  application/vnd.kde.kword: koffice.pl
  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.sun.xml.calc: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.sun.xml.draw: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.sun.xml.impress: ooo.pl
  application/vnd.sun.xml.writer: ooo.pl
  application/x-apache-cache: apachecache.pl
  application/x-bzip2: bzip2.pl
  application/x-compress: compress.pl
- application/x-deb: deb.pl
- application/x-dvi: dvi.pl
  application/x-gzip: gzip.pl
- application/x-js-taro: taro7_10.pl
  application/x-rpm: rpm.pl
  application/x-tex: tex.pl
  application/x-zip: zip.pl
- audio/mpeg: mp3.pl
  message/news: mailnews.pl
  message/rfc822: mailnews.pl
  text/hnf: hnf.pl
  text/html: html.pl
  text/html; x-type=mhonarc: mhonarc.pl
  text/html; x-type=pipermail: pipermail.pl
  text/plain; x-type=rfc: rfc.pl
  text/x-hdml: hdml.pl
  text/x-roff: man.pl
ttyp2:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 10:08:20/060115(...local-src/namazu-2.0.15RC3)> 
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