> FWIW, with the increase to $450, the ~$500 it costs to attend RIPE
> for five days, incl. breakfast/lunch, seems like a much better
> value. It would not surprise me to see a further drop in attendance
> from people doing the same calculation. IMHO, $400 would have been 
> a more reasonable increase, matching the previous increase from $300
> to $350 several years back.
> -rsw.

Hi Randy,

A day comparison may be better. Converted to $US

           RIPE$US     NANOG$US

1 Day      $92.60      $112.50
Dinner     $86.16      $0
           -------     -------

Adjusted   $110.00     $112.00

I included the dinner since it's a cost since almost everyone
goes. Overall, I think the costs are close. RIPE may fund more
of this internally though since they receive revenue from RIR
allocations. It's hard to do apple for apples vs. RIPE.


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