On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:

In another message, William B. Norton wrote:

I wish we had a metric for the community value of the nanog list.

I think that if the mailing list was moved from merit to its own server, and out from under the tyranny of majordomo to mailman, that you'd be shocked at the number of people who find the list valuable. Mailman's subscriber page, as you know, allows you to see the list of members, including offering up the metric of hidden members (i.e.those who don't want their email address displayed in that list).

Majordomo will let you do this as well, it's an owner config option,
and at some point in the past members could who the list. I think there
were issues with address harvesting.

Statistics (http://www.nanog.org/liststats.html) tell us how many people are on the list, and it is significant. This tells us it has an intrinsic value (rather than just a value to the top 40 or 50 posters).

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