> Naturally we are always wondering on how to make the 
> conference more participative, exiting, and attractive to 
> more people. Ideas would be gratefully received by the SC and the PC.

Give everyone a one-sheet writeup of meeting etiquette, along
with their badge. This would contain suggestions such as

- leave the room to make phone calls
- don't punch the keys, type quietly
- put your phone on vibrate
- move to the back of the room when you know that
  you aren't terribly interested in the preso
- move to the front of the room if you intend
  to close your laptop and pay attention to the preso
- go into the hallway when you want to have 
  a conversation with somebody
- the meeting is being broadcast out in the hallway
  so you don't have to miss anything
- yada yada yada

And then you could remind people between speakers
that it's time to change places. Quiet zone up
front, handcuffed to your laptop at the back,
and compulsive conversationalists to the hallway.

And give the speakers a similar "NANOG tips" sheet
that reminds them:

- you are being multicast on the net so don't assume
  the room is your only audience
- your preso is recorded for posterity so your audience
  could be rather larger than the room itself
- ignore the activity at the back of the room

As for the common culture vs. anonymity aspect of NANOG,
back in the day there was a communal lunch served to all.
What about bringing back a variation on this. First of
all make it optional because the power networkers don't
want to meet anyone new and will avoid it anyway. Then,
for those that sign up, randomly assign tables in the
lunchroom to break up cliques. Before you criticise this
and explain why it will not work, note that I am suggesting
an OPTIONAL thing that people sign up for, and pay extra
for. The true test is to offer it and see if there are
enough takers.

--Michael Dillon

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